Your mind is continuously processing sensory information on a daily basis. This process is the one that determines by a great percentage how you view your surroundings and how you react to them. NLP will use this mental ability in order to reprogram your behavior, beliefs and assumptions, those that prevent you from achieving your goals so as to have new sets of beliefs, behaviour and assumptions that will help you achieve your goals and make your outcomes better. NLP for Excellence is a 2 days program based on the applications of Neuro – Linguistic Programming.

The starting-point of NLP is curiosity and fascination about people. It is the study of the structure of subjective experience. How do we do what we do? How do we think? How do we learn? How do we get angry? And how do outstanding people in any field get their results? To answer these questions NLP explores how we think and feel and studies or ‘models’ excellence in every walk of life. The answers can then be taught to others. The goal is excellence for all.

What will you learn?

  • The background and history of NLP
  • The Four Pillars of Success – four principles that will bring success in any area of business
  • Communication Excellence – how we create our perspective on the world and how that can help or hinder getting things done
  • Learn to set and achieve compelling goals through the use of well formed outcomes
  • Build rapport & develop quality relationships to influence, negotiate and resolve conflict easily & Many more…
NLP Certification Courses

You can transform your business to a revenue-producing asset that lets you work as much or as little as you want.

Rajeev is one of the most energetic and engaging speakers I have ever had the pleasure of working with and listening to.
Team Lead, IBM

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